
How Are You Feeling? | Visual Identity

Identity Design

How Are You Feeling? is a program designed to help young people understand their feelings and emotional systems. I developed the brand identity and style guides for this program, along with my colleague Issey Roquet.

We believe that tailoring a brand to its end users is the key to its success. It builds trust from early adopters, potential investors and/or donors, who will see that the organization is investing resources into making this product as best it can be for young people themselves.

This brand concept centers around the inquisitive nature of HAYF. It more literally frames the product name within a text bubble, which invites the user to ask themselves and their close ones: How are you feeling?

We also opted to use colours as a core element of this brand system. We tend to attribute labels to our emotions in order to better understand them. In this way, colours are used to represent emotions. Since emotions work on a spectrum (they can stretch and shrink in both time and intensity) and can blend into one another (becoming less of a defined "thing"), colours are used expressively with gradients. Finally, feelings can also evoke sensations, conveyed here through the use of texture.